Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Momentum of the Ongoing Crisis

 All countries have the opportunity to reset all the systems... Our current goal is not only to escape the pandemic and get through the crisis, we are taking measures to make a big leap by making the most of the momentum of the ongoing crisis.

Joko Widodo is President of Indonesia, the world's fourth most populous country.  I know nothing about him, and I hope he's not a fraud, because I like the way he thinks.

This crisis has forced us to change our way of work, from standard ways to outstanding way, from ordinary ways to extraordinary ways, from a long and complicated procedure to a smart shortcut... We must undertake fundamental reforms in the way we work...

The AP notes that Widodo "did not elaborate on how those efforts would be funded."  Doesn't matter.  We're all going to be broke when we reach the new world.  We'll find a way.  We need to see the opportunity, not make a mad rush back to the conditions of the before, which will be comfortingly familiar, but where lots of things didn't work.  Those who talk like this now, and act like this then, will make the new world a better place.

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