Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Why We Quarantine

My wife, our younger son and I spent a nice long Independence Day weekend at the home of our older son and daughter-in-law, admiring our baby granddaughter and helping celebrate her first birthday, which is on the day (which we don't celebrate) when the Continental Congress actually passed the Declaration of Independence.  No writing while we were there, just making silly faces at the baby.  She's at the point where she tries to copy them, and it is a genuine hoot.  The baby's maternal grandparents came down for the day, and we all had a really nice time, almost exactly like everyone had done in the before.

All of us had observed a pretty strict quarantine for this exact reason:  so we could all hang out together on a nice day and enjoy each others' company without worrying about anything pandemic.  Except for each other, none of us has purposely been within six feet of another human being since early March, and have not been indoors with other people (except each other) except for careful grocery runs.  

Of course, there was another reason why we took care to quarantine carefully.  None of us wants to get the virus.  Any of us, even the young, healthy ones.  It's just not an option.

Will we make it safely to the new world?  It's looking more and more like we are in for a very long haul.  Stay tuned. 

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