Sunday, October 11, 2020

Not Awake Yet

Well, awake - yes.  What is it we are doing until this is over?  What do we call it?  We are living in a dreamworld.  Not a particularly nice dream; mostly boring.  Frozen in time.  On hold.  

But not asleep, so to speak.  In fact, the recent hiatus at this blog is not the result of ennui, or illness, or wandering in the wilderness.  No one's in a coma.  Stuff has happened, actually, and mostly good stuff.

First, a week or so visit from the elder son and daughter in law and The World's Cutest Grandbaby.  We'd all been quarantining to an agreed-on intensity - we were in the same "pod," a concept that, I think, will survive the coming of the new world.  So we could hang out together.

During that time, a "pod" anchored by Abbey's sister gathered at her house, down the road from us here in Truro, MA, and we spent every day gathered on the beach or the deck, outside in the breeze.  They stayed for another week after our "pod" left.  And then Abbey and I spent a week writing postcards to voters, asking them to vote for people we knew who were running for the NYS legislature.  Fun times.

In case we've beaten the Columbus expedition of 1492 to death, as an analogy for our progress through te COVID and out into the new world, we might consider a new analogy - hibernating bears.  Is there a vaccine?  Is it time to wake up?  No.

So the new world is back, but no clearer, or nearer, than it was before.  Right now, it looks like the new world will involve a lot of hard work by competent people, digging ourselves out of  the mess we've made.  It's like the cave collapsed on us, and it's going to take a long time to dig out and find a new place.  

In the meantime, go on back to sleep.  Oh - but don't forget to vote.

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