Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Back Again

Those of you who follow this blog religiously, and find themselves wasting away to nothing when days and weeks go by without a post*, are owed an explanation.  It is new world related!

We have a rental house on Cape Cod, and so does my wife's sister, about a mile down the road.  May and June are the crunch months, in terms of getting the houses ready for summer renters.  We have the harder job, as we live in the house much or most of the winter, whereas the house down the road is shut down.  We work during the weeks and visit on the weekends; my wife's sister comes down on the weekends, enjoys the good weather, welcomes her extended family, and visits.  This year, in addition to all that, my wife's other sister and spouse, and her cousin and two adult children, also came to visit.  Our two sons, one daughter-in-law, and The World's Cutest Grandbaby also enjoyed an extended visit.

Everyone was vaccinated**, but we met outside anyway.  Both houses have big decks.  We spent a lot of time visiting, largely because we had a lot of visiting to make up for.  We got together nearly every day the last couple of weeks, and had a grand time.  There was a lot of catching up to do.  For us, at least in our artificial bubble, the pandemic was over; we were living in the new world.

So between the visiting, and the long lists of jobs and projects (including building a split rail fence and painting three decks), there has been no time for much else.  Thus the hiatus.  However, we're back, here at "The New World."  Aren't you thrilled?

 * - This is a joke.

 ** - Actually, this is not true.  The World's Cutest Grandbaby, almost 2 years old, was not vaccinated, of course.  So it turns out that our "bubble" was a great example of herd immunity - she was protected because enough of us (in our case, all of us) were immune.

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