Friday, March 12, 2021

Independence Day

It seems reasonable to look to the declaration of herd immunity as the end of our journey - the arrival in the new world.  For most of what most of us do in a "normal" life, herd immunity in the US is what we're looking forward to, although the pandemic isn't over until we achieve global herd immunity.

President Biden noted in his speech yesterday that he is setting a goal for American life beyond COVID:  
If we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the 4th, there’s a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbeque and celebrate Independence Day. That doesn’t mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together.
After this long hard year, that will make this independence day something truly special, where we not only mark our independence as a nation, but we begin to mark our independence from this virus.”
July 4th.  We can see the end in the distance, dimly.  There's a lot of haze because the distance is still great.  And there could still be sea monsters - the variants are unknowns; chaotic evil that we must be ready for.  

But if all goes well, burgers on the deck with vaccinated friends.  Such a simple goal, but truly special.  I can wait.

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