Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 In the new world, more people will have hearing aids.

Why?  Because we can no longer lip read.  People who are in the early stages of hearing loss read lips, and interpret facial expressions, to help understand what someone is saying.  But we're all wearing masks now (well, most of us are), so that's not possible.  And the masks muffle the spoken word, and we're not able to get close, so as to hear better, because we're social distancing.

So those of us who are losing our hearing, instead of unconsciously adapting and adjusting as we always have, are instead coming right up against the unfortunate truth:  it's time for hearing aids.  So, it seems, we'll all be hearing better in the new world.

In addition to a rise in hearing aid sales due to people discovering they need them much earlier than normal, folks who already have hearing aids will be replacing them more often.  Why?  Because the mask ear-straps get caught on the hearing aid's ear-loops and they come out, fall to the floor - and their dogs eat them.

So now you know. 

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